Hoity-toity, fancy-schmancy, helter-skelter. When was the last time you heard these jingling, rhyming terms? Though they’re not that common, they’re unforgettable even if you’ve heard them once. Terms like these are called reduplications, expressions formed by the repetition of a sound, syllable or word.
Join Chrysti the Wordsmith as she reveals the unique role of reduplications in our language and how they help us express contempt, confusion, movement and affection!
Tuesday, July 20th @ 7:00 pm
This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will also be served!
Join Chrysti the Wordsmith as she reveals the unique role of reduplications in our language and how they help us express contempt, confusion, movement and affection!
Tuesday, July 20th @ 7:00 pm
This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will also be served!
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