- This year’s K-5 theme is “Make a SPLASH @ Your Library!” Every Wednesday at 4:00 from June 16th-July 23rd a program is offered. Don’t miss out on our first program of the summer, June 16th, The Birds of Prey. AJ, from West Yellowstone’s Discovery Center will present 3 different birds: a great horned owl, a rough legged hawk and possibly a golden eagle. Come learn more about the raptors in our area!
For the young adult and high school students grades 6th and up, Make Waves @ your Library, is offered every Tuesday at 4:00 beginning June 15th. Dani and Mrs. McClain have some fun things planned for this age group! Check it out!
The ever-popular story time, designed for toddlers-Pre-K, will continue every Monday at 10:30 with a weekly “water” theme.
For community members, Chrysti the Wordsmith will make a visit Tuesday, July 20th at 7:00. She will share her insights of her new book coming out this fall called “A Calendar of Cliché’s.”
From preschooler’s to adults, this summer’s Library programs offer something for everyone! We’re all set for a great summer at the library; we hope you’ll join us! All programs are sponsored by the Friends of the Library and are free and open to the public!