Mrs. House will kick off the SRP with some Kamishibai storytelling!
When: Wednesday, June 17th @ 4:00 pm
Where: Big Sky Community Library @ Ophir School
We invite your child to visit the library this summer and to participate in ‘09 Summer Reading Program! This first program is intended for children K-5th grade and will be every Wednesday at 4:00. Join us!
Meadows, India The Moonstone Fairy Amazing Animals Hegeman, The Animal Kingdom and teacher’s manual Anderson, Brain Stretchers Petreshene, Brain Teasers! Smith, Castles of the World McMillan, Classroom Starters for Any Occasion Jones, Creative Quickies Cricket Curwin, Discipline With Dignity Braus, Discovering Deserts Adair, Fall into Math and Science Wells, Famous Friends McClure, Free and inexpensive Arts and Crafts to Make and Use Braus, Geology, The Active Earth Wiebe, Glide into Winter with Math and Science Harmin, Got To Be Me! Charles, How To Evaluate Progress in Problem Solving Atwell, In the Middle: Writing, Reading, and Learning With Adolescents Johnsen, Independent Study Program Carroll, Inventors Braus, Let’s Hear It For Herps! Meyer, Make It Simpler: A Practical Guide to Problem Solving in Mathematics Wahl, A Mathematical Mystery Tour: Higher Thinking Math Tasks Muse Naturescope Discovery Pac: Incredible Insects Katz, Naturewatch: Exploring Nature with your Children Kennedy, North American Indian Design coloring book Sterling, Oceans Hegeman, Our Community Lewis, Pegasus: Providing Enrichment for the Gifted Fiarotta, Pin it, Tack it, Hang it Rickman, Plains Indians Coloring Book Wiebe, Primarily Bears, Grades K-6 Project AIMS Grades 5-9 series Altmann, Ready-to-use Literature Activities for Grades 7-12 Seabury, Ready-to-use Science Activities for the elementary classroom Hertz, Schoolhouse Planning Butzow, Science Through Children’s Lit. Sports Illustrated for Kids Wiebe, Spring Into Math and Science Meiser, The Story Box Raines, Story Stretchers for the Primary Grades Madsen, The Teacher’s Book of Lists Hegeman, Understanding Communities Teacher’s Manual: Social Studies Themes Smith, Using Poetry to Teach Reading and Language Arts Hillen, Water Precious Water Smith, What Color is Newton’s Apple? Inquiry Science Wild About Weather Gee, Entertaining & Educating Young Children Feingold, The Feingold Cookbook for Hyperactive Children Faber, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk Schultz, I Can Read About the Octopus McGovern, If you Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln Amery, Lots More Farmyard Tales Smalin, Loving Your Child Is Not Enough: Positive Discipline That Works Anderson, The Rumble Seat Pony Dodd, Schnitzel von Krumm’s Basketwork Ames, Your Five-Year Old: Sunny and Serene. . Nine Year Old, Six Year Old. . Seven Year Old. . .etc. Lionni, Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse Avi, The Barn DiCamillo, Because of Winn-Dixie Seuss, The Cat in the Hat; Dr. Seuss’s ABC Stevenson, A Child’s Garden of Verses Kaufman, Christopher Columbus Bridwell, Clifford the Big Red Dog Burby, A Day in the Life of a Professional Golfer Daly, Dinosaurs; Giants of the Past Loneon The Eyes of Gray Wolf Dixon, A Figure in Hiding Lobel, Frog and Toad Together Kline, Horrible Harry’s Secret The Diagram Group, How To Hold A Crocodile Goble, Iktomi and the Buffalo Skull: A Plains Indian Story George, Julie’s Wolf Pack Leppard, Mandie and the Charleston Phantom Barron, The Merlin Effect Kirk, Miss Spider’s ABC Grant, The Multiage Handbook Mysteries & Marvels of Nature Sharmat, Nate the Great Blume The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo Gralla, Online Kids: a Young Surfer’s Guide to Cyberspace DeRico, The Rainbow Goblins Ranger Rick Lewin The Storytellers Byears, Tornado Williams, Wter Project Babcock, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Leaf, Wee Gillis Click Crinkles Muse New Moon: the Magazine for Girls and their Dreams Spider: the Magazine for Children Brown, Arthur’s Valentine Koichi, Christopher Columbus Amery, First 100 Words in French Holm, Babymluse, Queen of the World! Crane, The Red Badge of Courage Graves, Benjamin: Man of Ideas Hayman, The Death of Lincoln: A Picture History of the Assassination Keller, Little Giant Book of Knock-Knocks DiCamillo, The Tale of Despereaux Parish, Amelia Bedelia Greene, Astronauts Naden, Cycle Chase: The Championship Season Gridley, Indian Tribes of America Broekel, Jet Planes Ahistrom, The Polar Bear Fradin, Skylab White, Stuart Little Fradin, The Voyager Space Probes Girard, Who is a Stranger, and What Should I Do? National Geographic Kids Anheuser-Busch Companies, Family Talk About Drinking Lavoie, How Difficult Can This Be? Understanding Learning Disabilities Communicore Visual Communications, Making Your Home Safe for Children Promising Practices in K-12 Videoconferencing Click Cricket Crinkles Muse New Moon Ranger Rick Spider: the Magazine for Children Owens, The Chicago Bulls Basketball Team Losee, Doc: Then and Now With a Montana Physician Silverman, Big Pumpkin Koss, The Girls DiCamillo, The Tale of Despereaux: Being the Story of a Mouse, A Princess, Some Soup, and a Spool of Thread The Usborne Book of Discovery: Inventors, Scientists, Explorers Sachar, Holes Levin, Magic Johnson, Court Magician Deegan, Michael Jordan: Basketball’s Soaring Star Pansini, Great Riddles, Giggles & Jokes Nentl, The Grizzly Erickson, Hank the Cowdog: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Hermes, Heads, I Win Cleary, Henry and the Clubhouse Cleary, Henry and the Paper Route Cleary, Henry Huggins Bellairs, The House With a Clock In It’s Walls Rockwell, How to Fight a Girl Estes, The Hundred Dresses Banks, The Indian in the Cupboard Dwiggins, Jimmy Fox and the Flying Falcon De Jong, Journey from Peppermint Street Vitali, Karate Kicking Little, Kate Day, Landslide De Jong, The Last Little Cat Baum, The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus Joseph, The Listening Silence Gipson, Little Arliss Penguin Home Video, Medicine Cleary, Otis Spofford Fairfield, Peoples and Nations of the Far East and Pacific: A Short History of Each Country in the Far East, Australasia, and Sloane, Pereplexing Lateral Thinking Puzzles Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking Banks, Remember My Name Boston, The River at Green Knowe Conley, The Runaway Camper Anderson, Safe at Home! Enright, The Saturdays Clark, Secret of the Andes Bulla, Shoeshine Girl Bendell, Space Earth and Atmosphere Burns, Spaghetti and Meatballs for All!: A Mathematical Story Cox, Spinechillers Boston, A Stranger at Green Knowe Lenski, Strawberry Girl George, The Summer of the Falcon Locke, The Summer the Spies Moved In Poole, Tales of the Spooky-Natural and Vampire Jokes Boston, Treasure of Green Knowe Untermeyer, A Treasury of Great Poems, English and American, With Lives of the Poets and Historical Settings Roxbee-Cox, Who Storle the Black Diamond? : Follow the Clues to Unravel the Mystery Byrnes, Wilderness America Grahame, The Wind in the Willows Christopher, The Winning Stroke Brittain, The Wish Giver – Three Tales of Coven Tree Boyd, Fairy Crafts: 23 Enchanting Toys, Gifts, Costumes, and Party Decorations Penguin Home Video, Anatomy and Genetics Oliver, Agent Arthur’s Arctic Adventure Hicks, Alvin Fernald, TV Anchorman Lowry, Attaboy, Sam! Green, The Badger Nentl, The Beaver, Lawson, Ben and Me Buck, The Big Wave Green, The Bison Ahlstrom, The Black Bear Byars, The Cartoonist Boston, The Children of Green Know Dolby, Chocolate Island DeAngeli, Copper-toed Boots Hamilton, Cousins Ahlstrom, The Coyote George, The Cry of the Crow: A Novel Cleary, Dear Mr. Henshaw Ahlstrom, The Elk Boston, An Enemy at Green Knowe Dahl, The Enormous Crocodile Baker, Explorers of North America Ahlstrom, The Foxes Wigginton, Foxfire 2: Ghost Stories, Spring Wild Plant Foods, Spinning and Weaving, Midwifing, Burial Customes, Corn Shuckin’s Wigginton, Foxfire 3: Animal Care, Banjos and Dulcimers, Hide Tanning, Summer and Fall Wild Plant Foods, Butter Churns, Konigsburg, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankwieler Cox, Ghost Train to Nowhere Fitzgerald, The Great Brain Austen, Pride and Prejudice Ahlstrom, The Pronghorn Spider: The Magazine for Children Dessen, The Truth About Forever Ahlstrom, The Whitetail Rosenbloom, The Little Giant Book of Riddles Click Canadian Wildlife Federation, Ranger Rick Click Olmsted, Fielding’s Lewis and Clark Trail New Moon: The Magazine for Girls and Their Dreams Jacobsen, Japan Ranger Rick Canadian Wildlife Federation, Ranger Rick Spider: the Magazine for Children Taylor, Everything You Need to Know About Alcohol Kessler, Kick, Pass, and Run Muse Bonsalll, Tell Me Some More Lerner, Understanding AIDS Adler, Cam Jansen and the Summer Camp Mysteries: A Super Special Clements, The Last Holiday Concert Cricket Myracle, L8r, G8r Mazier, E, My Name is Emily Hilton, Good-bye Mr. Chips Hiaasen, Hoot National Geographic Kids Lavender, Land of Giants: The Drive to the Pacific Northwest, 1750-1950 Norton, The Borrowers Afloat Miller, Death Comes to Dinner Leppard, Mandie and the Charleston Phantom Leppard, Mandie and the Cherokee Legend Leppard, Mandie and the Forbidden Attic Leppard, Mandie and the Hidden Treasure Leppard, Mandie and the Medicine Man Leppard, Mandie and the Mysterious Bells