Monday, April 28, 2008
The Firefighters are coming to Story Time!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Don't forget to join us for Screen Free Week!
Plan to join us in the library for family-friendly screen-free activities during TV Free Week! We'll have lots of ideas available for activities your family can enjoy together, during this one week of the year to see what it's like to be TV and screen-free!
And, if TV-free is already part of your lifestyle, there's a product I recently discovered which you might appreciate... It's the "TV B Gone" universal TV remote! Annoyed by loud TVs in restaurants, airport lounges or bars? Tired of trying to converse with your children while their eyes are locked on the boob tube? Buy yourself this handy, keychain-sized device, and you can turn off televisions anywhere, any time! (Order now, operators are standing by...) ;)
Here's the link, if you want one:
Yes, of course, librarians have conferences, too!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Coming up in April:

Turn off the TV, and turn on life!
April 21st - 27th, 2008, is National TV-Turnoff Week

Plan to join us in the library for family-friendly screen-free activities during TV Free Week! We'll have lots of ideas available for activities your family can enjoy together, during this one week of the year to see what it's like to be TV and screen-free!